Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique®

Unlock the magick within and heal from past trauma!

What is QHHT®?

QHHT®, or Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, is a holistic healing modality that combines elements of hypnosis and past life regression therapy. Developed by the late Dolores Cannon, a renowned hypnotherapist and author, QHHT® aims to access and explore the client's subconscious mind to gain insights, healing, and spiritual growth.

During a QHHT® session, a trained practitioner guides the client into a deep state of relaxation through hypnosis. This relaxed state, often referred to as the "theta state," allows the client to access their subconscious mind more easily. In this state, the client's conscious mind steps aside, enabling the exploration of past lives, interactions with higher consciousness, or even communication with the client's own body or higher self.

One of the key focuses of QHHT® is to uncover the root causes of physical, emotional, or spiritual issues. By accessing past lives or experiences from the client's subconscious, it is believed that a deeper understanding of these issues can be gained, leading to potential healing and resolution. The process can offer profound insights, spiritual awakenings, and a sense of connection to a greater universal consciousness.

QHHT® is often sought after for personal growth, self-discovery, and healing purposes. It can provide a unique perspective on life's challenges, relationships, and one's purpose. It is important to note that QHHT® is considered an alternative or complementary approach and should not replace conventional medical or mental health treatments. A QHHT® practitioner acts as a facilitator, guiding the session and assisting the client in their journey of self-exploration and healing.

How Will QHHT® Help Me?

QHHT® offers potential benefits that can help individuals on various levels—physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Here are a few ways in which QHHT® may assist you:

1. Self-Exploration and Personal Insight: QHHT® allows individuals to delve deep into their subconscious mind and explore past lives, spiritual realms, or communicate with their higher self. This process often leads to profound personal insights, a deeper understanding of oneself, and the discovery of life patterns, talents, or lessons that can contribute to personal growth and transformation.

2. Emotional and Psychological Healing: Through QHHT®, unresolved emotional issues or traumatic experiences from past lives or the current life can be accessed and addressed. By gaining awareness and understanding of the root causes behind emotional challenges, individuals may find healing, forgiveness, and release, leading to emotional well-being and inner peace.

3. Physical Healing and Well-being: QHHT® practitioners believe that the subconscious mind holds information about the body's health and can facilitate physical healing. By accessing the subconscious, individuals may uncover underlying causes of physical ailments, gain insights into the body's needs, or receive guidance on appropriate healing methods. While not a replacement for medical treatment, QHHT® can complement traditional approaches and support holistic well-being.

4. Spiritual Growth and Connection: QHHT® sessions often foster a sense of connection to a greater universal consciousness, helping individuals explore their spiritual nature and purpose. Experiencing past lives, encounters with guides, or accessing spiritual wisdom can lead to a deepening of one's spiritual path, expanded awareness, and a greater sense of inner peace and harmony.

It's important to approach QHHT® with an open mind and understand that individual experiences may vary. The outcomes and benefits of QHHT® are subjective and depend on the client's receptivity, intentions, and willingness to explore their inner realms. Consulting a qualified QHHT® practitioner can provide more specific information tailored to an individual's needs and goals. 

Anything & Everything is Possible with QHHT®

Clinically Verified QHHT® Session Healings: 

The only limitations are the ones you create & choose to believe!

DISCLAIMER: I do not provide guarantees, diagnoses, or interfere with your healthcare provider's recommendations. I operate within the scope of my training and encourage individuals to take full responsibility for their own health, well-being, and healing. My services are focused on assisting individuals in their personal journeys.

The statements presented on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent diseases. Nothing on this website is intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any physical or medical conditions. If you have a physical or medical condition, it is advisable to seek the advice of your medical professional promptly.

While I cannot assure specific outcomes, and submitted testimonials do not serve as a warranty or prediction regarding the results of any individual working with me or addressing any particular issue or concern, published testimonials reflect the experiences of these specific users.

Learn more about a QHHT® session